Native Plants Vs Landscape 

Native plants build habitat, bio diversity and can stand the harsh unpredictability of our Texas weather. Our native grasses soak up more water 

"Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life. Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter." - WWF website

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To the far left we see Kentucky blue grass. Substitute this for any typical turf species readily available today for comparable root depth. Not only do these grasses out compete natives, they provide little seasonal worth to the ecosystem, or retain storm water run off. Alternatively, the deep, penetrating roots of native perennials and grasses aerate the sub soil, mine nutrients to the top soil and retain storm water readily and through all seasons (meaning - even if they have died back seasonally, their roots are still working hard beneath the ground) 

Choose native

Building a landscape can be so much more than curb appeal. 

You can help rebuild your local habitat. By choosing native plants and trees, we are ensuring that our local wildlife can preserve and even thrive in this changing world.

Many of your typical landscape plants used here in Texas are costly imports. Not only are they contributing to a monoculture, they can be invasive as well. Beating out native flora in what little places it resides. Many of these desirable landscape plants can easily be substituted with a native cultivar from a knowledgeable plant specialist.

When our homes are built, or we have work done within the space, often large amounts of our wild '  scape is removed. By replacing what was once there with invasive landscape plants, we aren't providing the shelter or food local wildlife needs to live. Much like palm oil fields in the amazon, monoculture is deadly.

We must re-wild our spaces so that future generations can witness and enjoy all that nature has to show - especially within the urban environment.